Ecological Impact Of Wind Turbines

What is the ecological impact of wind turbines? We all know that when it comes to renewable energy, wind energy is a great alternative when compared to fossil fuels. We all know that wind turbines do not emit any green house gases when in operation. However, there are a few ways that they can affect nature.

Ecological Impact Of Wind Turbines
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For instance, they affect the natural migration routes for birds. The blades can be dangerous for the birds. You will also find that sea life thrives, in the immediate areas where offshore wind turbines have been installed. Also the foundations of the wind turbines promote the growth of artificial reefs, which in turn encourage diversification in sea life.

On the other hand, the actual construction of the wind turbines often results in a lot of noise that disturbs the sea life around the site. That is why environmental organisations often stress that proper research is carried out, the location is carefully selected and all is done to prevent excessive noise during the whole process. The same organisations have identified the potential for multi-use wind farms, that would enable the farming of mussels and seaweed.

You can watch the video below on Ecological impact of wind turbines…
